Welcome to the 2021-2022 School year. Please read the following important announcements:
- The buses will no longer park in front of the elementary school, leaving this area open for drop off. This will be a moving line, so if you need to park, please utilize the newly paved parking lot!
- Morning routine: Students will go straight to their classrooms. Elementary teachers will be available to help students find their rooms. Breakfast will be eaten in the classrooms.
- Dress code: We will strictly enforce the dress code this year. Please be aware that crop tops, shorts and skirts shorter than finger tip length, holes in jeans above finger tips, and spaghetti strap shirts, are all reasons to call home and get a change of clothes. Blankets, pillows, and house slippers are not to be worn/brought to school. Please help us to encourage professional atmosphere.
- Cell phones MUST be on silent and in either the student's bag or pocket, or the provided cell phone holder in the classroom. If you need to reach your student during school hours, please call the school and we will find your student for you. If students use their phone during classroom time, the phone will be confiscated by the teacher
- Open House will be on Thursday, August 12th, from 5-7 PM. We will all meet in the Multi-purpose room to kick off the evening and meet the staff.
- Student pick-up: Please park in the parking lot and wait for your student. Thank you.
We are excited for this school year and are counting on your support to make it a successful year!