Bussing Note for this afternoon, 9/10/2024 The roads around the Bursen Ranch area are being reslurried, so our busses cannot get the normal stop in the area. While the streets are being reslurried, these are the stop changes: RCMS/PVHS -Route 19 - Mickey & Squaw stop is moved to Manse and Squaw Floyd - Route 21 - Mickey & Squaw stop is moved to Manse and Squaw
5 months ago, Nye County School District
Parents & Guardians, RCMS experienced a 15 minute power outage today about 8:45 AM. A Stay-Put protocol was enacted and students were kept in class during the outage to keep them safe. VEA arrived on site quickly and restored power. Thank you.
6 months ago, Nye County School District
Everyone, The Transportation Department is beginning to roll out the new bus tracking system, StopFinder. It isn't fully operational yet, but emails did go out to all primany student contacts as listed in Infinite Campus for creating accounts. Thank you.
6 months ago, Nye County School District
Parents, Guardians, and Community members, A bus was in an accident in Pahrump on 160 near the Pour House. No students were on board. An alternate bus was sent to cover the route. We do not expect any alterations to bus drop off times. The driver was not injured.
6 months ago, Nye County School District
Please take a look at a new source for news in Pahrump. The editor, Mrs. Amy Veloz, has done a nice job highlighting many of our leaders and athletics. https://pvc.news/
7 months ago, Nye County School District
Pahrump valley Community News
Kona Ice will be on campus during open house tomorrow from 12-2pm.
7 months ago, Amanda Cardinal
Kona Ice
Open House Events start this Friday, August 2nd. Review the schedule here: https://www.nye.k12.nv.us/article/1691226
7 months ago, Nye County School District
Open House Schedule
BIG shout out to our friends at Valley Electric for the wonderful donation of supplies!!!
7 months ago, Amanda Cardinal
Valley Electric Donation
Big THANK YOU to Taylor Morrison for the donation of backpacks and supplies!
7 months ago, Amanda Cardinal
RE: School Start Dates, Calendars, and Schedules The Nye County School District is excited to announce the first day of school for the 2024-2025 academic year. Because of the difference in day counts between the four and five day calendars, we have different calendars for each schedule. Please view the rest of the information here: https://bit.ly/ncsd24-25startdatesPR
7 months ago, Nye County School District
Welcome Back to School
Back to School Fair 2024 - Saturday, July 27, 2024, 8:00 - 11:00, at Pahrump Valley High School. Sponsored by the NyE Communities Coalition. For more information, please contact Pam Smith at the NyECC: psmith@nyecc.org or 775-727-9970 ext. 217
7 months ago, Nye County School District
Back to School Fair 2024 - NCSD
24/25 Back to School Info
7 months ago, Amanda Cardinal
24/25 Back to School Info
24/25 Back to School Info
Please take a look at the information from the Nye County Public Information Officer regarding back-to-school immunization clinics scheduled in our Nye communities. https://www.nye.k12.nv.us/article/1666770
7 months ago, Nye County School District
A cartoon child sits in a seat prepared to receive an immunization
Don't miss any updates from NCSD Set the app to notify you of alerts from the district and each school your kids attend. Get the app now! iPhone: https://apple.co/3Pfdubd Android: https://bit.ly/3QZoWJ5
8 months ago, Nye County School District
NCSD App Information
Summer Hours
8 months ago, Amanda Cardinal
Summer Hours
The Nevada Department of Education has approved our academic calendars for the four and five day week schools. Please view the calendar here: https://5il.co/8x0n
9 months ago, Nye County School District
2024-2025 Academic Calendar Approved
Attention all middle schoolers: Golf Clinic opportunity: May 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st from 9:00 to noon at Mt. Falls Golf Course. Cost is $50
9 months ago, Lori Odegard
golf clinic
PVHS Basketball Camp Opportunity: May 28th, 29th, & 30th from 10:00-Noon for middle schoolers. $40 Cash only- Please complete the form and submit by May 20th. Forms are available at RCMS- Come see Mrs. Odegard if you need one.
10 months ago, Lori Odegard
BB Camp
Positive Parenting Workshop Take the guesswork out of parenting... Parents and Guardians of Children Birth -12 years old. Dates: May 8th,15th,22nd,29th 3 Virtual Phone Calls, June 5th,12th,19th Graduation June 26th Time: 4:00-5:30pm Place: Manse Elementary Presenter: Mrs. McKillips LMSW- CSW INTERN Contact Mrs.McKillips to sign up! (775)727-5252 Ext. 316 smckillips@nyeschools.org
10 months ago, Nye County School District
Parenting Flyer
Parent Meeting This Thursday!
10 months ago, Ben Veloz